Planning Committee
The NWDA Planning Committee reviews city-wide land use policy as well as development proposals within the neighborhood’s boundaries. As an executive committee, it is authorized to establish positions on matters brought before it on behalf the NWDA Board of Directors.
Thursday mornings from 8:00am to 9:30am via Zoom:
Montgomery Park Streetcar Extension (MP2H) June 1 Presentation Comments
Montgomery Park Streetcar Extension (MP2H) Discussion Draft Comments
Intersection Enhancement Project (NW Streetscape) Comments
Northwest District Plan adopted 2003
Historic Alphabet District Community Design Guidelines Addendum
Committee Members
Greg Theisen (Chair) Email
Heidi Bertman
Elliott Gansner
Wendy Hawkins
Joni Johnson
JoZell Johnson
Parker McNulty
Steve Pinger
Jeremy Sacks
Erika Stewart
Roger Vrilakas
Bill Welch
Todd Zarnitz